31 Jan

Say No To FGM/C

January 31, 2025 - February 9, 2025    
12:00 am
Individual member, Caroline Ilogienboh, is doing community engagements in schools and churches in multiple states in Eastern Nigeria.
03 Feb

Tatli Tanzania: Community Based Outreach and Economic Empowerment to Survivors of FGM/C

February 3, 2025 - February 6, 2025    
12:00 am
Tatli Tanzania is creating awareness of cultural alternatives to FGM/C, celebrating rites of passage such as education-focused ceremonies that can be incorporated into local customs. [...]
06 Feb

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation 2025: "Her Voice. Her Future"

February 6, 2025    
12:00 am
WAVE Foundation Africa is organizing a walk in partnership with the Office of Mr Speaker, House of Representatives, National Assembly, Nigeria under the leadership of [...]
06 Feb

Zero Tolerance Day: Mali

February 6, 2025    
12:00 am
Healthy Tomorrow's partner group in Mali, Sini Sanuman, will broadcast one of their music videos, I Abandon, on Malian TV.  You can see it on [...]
06 Feb

Funding African Women-Led Movements To End FGM

February 6, 2025    
5:30 am - 7:30 am
On International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), The Five Foundation would like to invite you to an in person interactive panel [...]
06 Feb

Stepping Up the Pace: Strengthening Alliances and Building Movements to End FGM

February 6, 2025    
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Join the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of FGM as they come together on International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation under [...]
06 Feb

Zero Tolerance Day - FGM Taskforce Virtual Event

February 6, 2025    
9:00 am
Join The FGM Taskforce of Greater Los Angeles in commemorating Zero Tolerance Day against FGM/C with a virtual event focused on a global perspective of [...]