North America
United States
The United States of America: Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee for its 139th Session
More InformationDescription
This submission focuses on four specific areas: 1) the longstanding failure by the State party to enshrine an explicit right to equality on the basis of sex in the US Constitution; 2) the continuing legality of child marriage in the majority of US states; 3) the lack of comprehensive protections against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C); 4) the prevalence of discrimination, harassment and gender-based violence in the digital space, and lack of protection or effective remedy for online sexual exploitation and abuse (OSEA).
Equality Now, the ERA Coalition, Unchained at Last, The US End FGM/C Network, and the Alliance for Universal Digital Rights (AUDRi)
Resource Type
Press Releases, Reports
Geographical Scope
United States