Description A guide created by The Girl Generation on the Do No Harm ethical principle in relation to FGM/C advocacy. Author The Girl Generation...
Description An amicus brief submitted by Equality Now, WeSpeakOut, Sahiyo, and Safe Hands for Girls in support of the United States in the U.S....
Description A joint statement to call on decision-makers during the 2019 International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation to draw attention to...
Description A joint statement to announce the creation of the Inter-Regional Coalition to End FGM as a direct action from the United Nations Secretary...
Description This report provides a summary of the 2016 Violence Against Girls: Summit on FGM/C, including the identified recommendations and action steps. As a...
Description A press release written by the U.S. End FGM/C Network on U.S. District Judge BernardFriedman’s decision to invalidate the federal law banning FGM/C...
Description A press release written by the U.S. End FGM/C Network in response to the Department of Justice’s decision to not appeal the case...
Description At a pre-conference to Women Deliver 2019 in Vancouver, Canada, experts gathered to unite voices around a global Call to Action to end...
Description A press release written by the U.S. End FGM/C Network in response to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the sixth Circuit...
Description A press release written by the U.S. End FGM/C Network on the first-ever indictment regarding FGM/C in the U.S. Author U.S. End FGM/C...