Empowering Girls to Say No to Female Genital Mutilation: #IamBrave


March 14, 2024    
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Pathways To Peace and WAR AGAINST POVERTY in Guinea opened a Shelter for Girls who are brave and say “no” to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and are homeless as a result. Guinea has the second highest rate of FGM in the world, with 97% of young girls experiencing this tortuous practice. The Avon Mattison Girls Shelter provides loving care, safety, emotional support, and opportunities for the girls to pursue a brighter future for themselves through education and job training. Through comprehensive community education, garnering the support of local dignitaries and authorities, and providing shelter, we expect to end FGM in Kindia, Guinea in one generation. We will be exploring the key factors in the successful co-creation of this Girls Shelter for future replication. We hope you will join us in this participatory event!


Organizers: Pathways To Peace

Please register for the event here.